A BIG, Summer Sunshine SWS financial and support appeal

This is warm-hearted call out to ask people to make a donation, small or large, to help us keep SWS organising through 2012 and 2013. Our upcoming plans will soon be here which include The So We Stand Summer Activism School, We Are Mighty political education programme, The War Without Bullets radio show and much much more ….all help much appreciated.

help SWS by donating!

♦   New website coming soon…  ♦


– So We Stand organises to challenge environmental injustices from the frontline. This means recognising that it disproportionately afffects poor and black communities. We think environmental justice, social justice and anti-racism are the same struggle.

– We work directly with frontline communties of resistance against sites of environmental injustice.

– We don’t prioritise our own voices or those of the more priviliged. We prioritise the voices of those already fighting their own battles.

– We are committed to anti-oppression. This means committing to constantly challenging ourselves as; individuals, SWS as an organisation, players in wider systems and structures as well as always being critical of the hierarchies in the world around us.

– We wholeheartedly support all forms of community self-defence. This includes all strategies and methods of empowerment and defence from the people fighting injustices on the frontline. This means not leading, judging or imposing – from us or anyone else.

Please get in contact anytime with sowestand@gmail.com